Lowongan Kerja – Tiket.com

Lowongan Kerja Tiket.com, Tiket.com merupakan pasar online untuk produk dan layanan yang mencakup penerbangan, hotel, penyewaan mobil, acara dan atraksi, kereta api, dan pemesanan transfer bandara.

lokerterkini.com merupakan situs portal Lowongan Kerja di Indonesia, mulai dari Perusahaan Swasta, BUMN, hingga informasi CPNS dengan kategori dari SMA/Sederajat, D3, hingga S1/S2. Informasi lowongan kerja di lokerterkini.com bersumber dari website resmi perusahaan dan sosial media yang terpercaya yang sedang membuka kesempatan karir dan menjadi bagian dari perusahaan.

Hal-hal yang harus kamu perhatikan ketika melamar pekerjaan, yaitu perhatikan CV kalian, pastikan CV kalian berpenampilan menarik dan berisikan informasi yang jelas. Dalam proses rekrutmen ada 3 tahapan yang biasa dilakukan oleh tim rekruter perusahaan yaitu 1) Review CV yang kamu kirim, 2) Test Psikotes, lalu 3) Wawancara/Interview HRD dan User. Oleh karena itu sebelum kalian melamar pekerjaan alangkah baiknya kalian mempersiapkan terlebih dahulu ketiga hal tersebut.

Lowongan Kerja Tiket.com

Saat ini Tiket.com, sedang membuka lowongan kerja atau kesempatan karir, pastikan kamu membaca dengan teliti setiap kualifikasi dan persyaratannya :

1. Accommodation Homes Intern

– Undergraduate student, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
– Excellent proficiency in Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, etc) & Google Workspace (Docs, Sheets, etc)
– Detail-oriented, willing to learn, good communication skills, team player attitude, and self-motivated
– Desired length of employment: 6 months

2. Creative (Graphic Design) Intern

– Must be proficient using Adobe Creative Suite to create high quality work that meets the needs of the client while maintaining professional standards.
– Have knowledge of layouts, typography, line composition, color, and other graphic design fundamentals.
– Compelling portfolio of graphic design work.
– Organized, dependable and detail oriented.
– Quick Learner and Efficient and team player.

3. Customer Engagement Intern

– You are a passionate fresh graduate of final-year semester student who is currently pursuing a degree (min. 7 semester)
– Willing to do internship and is available for 5 months
– Must be fluent in English written and verbal
– Creative, innovative, pro-active person
– Able to work with minimum supervision
– Competency in Microsoft and Google Suites applications
– Ability to maintain quality across high volumes of work with tight deadlines

4. International Business Operations Intern

– You are a passionate fresh graduate or final-semester student who is currently pursuing a degree (min. 7 semester)
– Proficiency in English both verbal and written
– Competency in Microsoft and Google Suites applications
– Ability to maintain quality across high volumes of work with tight deadlines
– Focus on accuracy and a strong eye for detail
– Collaborative, supportive and proactive
– Strong sense of initiative in team and independent works

5. Learning & Development Intern

– Currently pursuing a degree in Human Resources, Economics, Business Administration, Psychology, or related major, fresh graduates are also welcome
– Have interests in developing people
– Proficiency in Google Suite (Gsheet/Gslides), Canva/Adobe
– Demonstrated interest in learning and development
– Be well-organized, proactive, open-minded, highly responsible, and supportive
– Desired length of employment: 6 month
– Willing to commit with hybrid working arrangement (Jakarta)

6. Partnership Intern

– Fresh graduates or student with no class in a relevant field such as Communications, Marketing, or Business
– Fluent in English, both spoken and written. This is important to ensure that you can effectively communicate with team members and customers
– Have a marketing, partnership, business development experience will be a plus
– Able to analyze market trends, business metrics, and other data to identify opportunities for growth and development
– Able to communicate effectively with team members, clients, and external partners. This includes strong verbal and written communication skills, as well as active listening skills
– Desired length of employment: 6 months

7. Product Management Intern – Pricing

– University student majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics
– Having Data Analysis and SQL skills
– Passionate in the Product Management field
– Excellent Communication and Interpersonal Skills
– Have a Data-Driven and Growth mindset
– Proficient in English
– Tech-savvy which loves to stay on top of industry trends
– Self-starter who doesn’t hesitate to proactively approach in order to learn fast

8. Public Relations Intern

– Undergraduate students of communications, international relations, or related studies. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
– Good writing skills, knowledge of current trends in mass media & new media
– Creative, willing to explore possibilities of collaboration with the media and influencers
– High interest in social issues
– Able to do remote-working jobs, especially to communicate effectively through a written communication channel

9. Revenue Intern

– You should be a high-potential intern who is passionate, committed, and keen to establish a career in the Online Travel Agent industry with the following key competencies and skills:
– Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as Tourism, Business Administration or any related field (Min. Sem 8)
– Have a tourism background is a plus
– Proficient in MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word) and other statistical software
– Ability to learn new technologies easily
– Excellent communication and presentation skills (written/verbal)
– Confidence, ability to perform well under pressure
– Ability to multi-task
– Ability to analyze and interpret basic financial/market data
– Organizational & time management skills
– Analytical and numerical skills
– Desired length of employment: 6 months

10. Software Quality Assurance Intern

– Fresh Graduate preferably majoring in IT, System Information, or related
– Has at least the basic knowledge of SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) & Java
– Has a willingness to learn new things regarding testing
– Ability and proficiency in English
– Good attitude

11. TTD (Tiket To Do) International Intern

– Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field such as Tourism, Business, or any related field (Min. Sem 8)
– Excellent English and Bahasa Indonesia writing skills with good command of grammar, vocabulary, and speaking
– Strong administrative skills
– Proficiency using Spreadsheets
– Able to work independently and as part of a team
– Attention to details and ability to prioritize tasks
– Positive attitude and willingness to learn
– Desired length of employment: 6 months



  • Proses seleksi dari loker ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis
  • Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi dan persyaratan akan diproses ke tahap selanjutnya.

Cara Melamar :

Apakah kamu kandidat yang sesuai untuk bergabung di PT Indosat Tbk? Yuk segera lamar lowongannya di KitaLulus. Dengan mengikuti cara dibawah ini :

  1. Buka Aplikasi KitaLulus dari Link yang tertera pada artikel ini.
  2. Login/Daftar terlebih dahulu jika belum punya akun dan isi profil secara lengkap.
  3. Ketik “PT Indosat Tbk” pada kolom pencarian.
  4. Pilih posisi yang tersedia dan klik Lamar.


KitaLulus adalah aplikasi pencarian kerja teraman dan terpercaya di Indonesia. Ada lebih dari 3 juta lamaran kerja diproses oleh KitaLulus setiap bulannya dan ada lebih dari 70.000 perusahaan yang memasang informasi lowongan kerja di aplikasi KitaLulus. Berkat kepercayaan pengguna, KitaLulus terpilih sebagai pemenang Google Play Best App of 2022!

KitaLulus adalah pilihan #1 Pejuang Kerja Indonesia mencari kerja. Berhasil meraih Peringkat ke 1 di Google PlayStore dan Peringkat ke 2 di iOs Appstore.

Kurasi perusahaan yang tergabung di aplikasi KitaLulus dilakukan oleh tim profesional dan dilengkapi dengan sistem berteknologi canggih. Dengan begitu, kamu tidak akan menemui perusahaan bodong atau loker penipuan. Cara daftarnya juga mudah! Kamu hanya perlu menginstal aplikasi KitaLulus di Playstore dan lakukan registrasi akunmu. Selain itu, aplikasi KitaLulus juga memiliki fitur lain, seperti komunitas hingga soal psikotes. Jadi, selain melamar pekerjaan di aplikasi KitaLulus, kamu juga bisa menambah ilmu dan networking. Tentunya semua fitur KitaLulus bisa kamu nikmati secara gratis!

Tunggu apalagi? Yuk #WujudkanMimpi, segera instal aplikasi KitaLulus di handphone kamu! Buat akun dan lengkapi profil kamu sekarang juga. Dapatkan rekomendasi lowongan kerja menarik khusus untuk kamu. Lamar kerja dengan mudah, aman, dan terpercaya di mana pun kamu berada.

Tips: Jangan sampai ketinggalan, cek loker Jakarta terbaru untuk berbagai lulusan disini!

Yuk Download Aplikasi dan Lamar Lowongan ini dengan klik LAMAR dibawah ini :


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